Menu Status Icons and Description Status Icons and Description
Use the status icons to identify documents that need checking or configuration.

Document validation: OK

1. Document validation: OK
This validation status means the document passed all validation rules.

Document status: User validated

2. Document status: User validated
This status symbol means that the document have been validated by a user.

Document Status: Needs User Configuration

3. Document Status: Needs User Configuration
This status means that the document type needs configuration.
Either the document type was just identified for the first time by ChronoScan or a user sent it to review.

Document validation: Error

4. Document validation: Error
This validation status means the document didn't pass one or more validation rules, move the mouse over the icon to get a detailed description.

Document status: Needs User Index

5. Document status: Needs User Index
This status means that the document needs to be indexed by a user.