
3.4.17. Generative AI integration (OpenAI)

In the latest version of ChronoScan, it is now possible to execute generative AI from OpenAI in order to fill fields or grids.
ChronoScan will generate a prompt based on the document text and user configuration, allowing the AI to generate a JSON for data extraction.
To configure the OpenAI settings, you need to understand the following concepts:
System prompt: This is the prompt that the AI system will use to process queries. In this case, we want the AI to act as a document reader that can transform our documents into JSON data.
System JSON prompt: This is the template JSON that we want the AI to return to us.
User prompt before document text: This is a prompt that the system will include before the document corpus.
User prompt after document text: This is a prompt that the system will include after the document corpus.